Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fall in Iowa

I'd like to see, the iowa has been becoming more and more beautiful since I came Iowa. I saw the scarlet leaves which I only saw them in the film before. In China, I only can see the yellow leaves in the fall and defoliations usually cleaned by the dustman in the midnight everyday, so it is hard to see the scenery that defoliations cover the whole ground. I thought it must be very romantic when two lovers walking on the defoliations with the squish of steping on the leaves. So I took a picture of a park near my apartment.


eunyoung's blog said...

You are a really romantic guy^^

Maitha said...

It is a nice picture!!!

Rebecca K said...

I like your picture. I also like the sound of the crunching and rustling of the leaves as I walk over them. It's interesting that someone cleans all the leaves up at night in China.